Use this currency conversion calculator to convert billions into its equivalent value in rupees.
Billion to Rupees Converter
Rupees: 0
What is a Billion to Rupees Calculator?
Billion to Rupees Calculator is an online currency conversion calculator that helps you to convert any amount in billions to its equivalent value in rupees.
Just enter the billion amount in the input field, and click on the calculate button. This tool will display the equivalent amount in rupees.
A billion is a unit in the International number system which is equal to 1,000,000,000. It is usually denoted using the ‘bil’, ‘bn’ or ‘b’ symbols. In the Indian numbering system, 1 billion is equivalent to 100 crore and it is known as ‘arab’.
The Indian rupee or simply rupee is the official currency in the Republic of India. The symbol of the Indian rupee is ‘₹’. It is issued and controlled by the Reserve Bank of India. The rupee is subdivided into 100 equal parts called ‘paisa’.
The relationship between billion and rupee is:
1 Billion = 1,000,000,000 Rupees
How to Use the Billion to Rupees Calculator?
- Visit the Billion to Rupees Calculator page
- Enter the amount in billion in the billion input field
- Click on the ‘Calculate’ button to convert the entered billion amount into its equivalent value in rupees
Billion to Rupees Formula
Rupees = Billion x 1,000,000,000
How to Convert Billion to Rupees?
One billion is equivalent to 1,000,000,000 rupees. So, to convert any billion amount into rupees, you’ll need to multiply the billion value by 1,000,000,000. This will give you the equivalent amount in rupees.
Rupees = Billion x 1,000,000,000
Solved Example
Example: Convert 1.4 billion in rupees.
Amount (in billion) = 1.4 bn
Using the formula, Rupees = Billion x 1,000,000,000, we’ll get:
Rupees = 1.4 x 1,000,000,000, we’ll get:
Rupees = 1400000000
Thus, 1.4 billion is equal to 1,40,00,00,000 rupees.
Example 2: Convert 8 billion in crores.
We know that 1 billion = 100 crores, Therefore
Crore = Billion x 100 = 8 x 100 = 800 crores
Thus, 8 billion = 800 crore
Billion to Rupees Conversion Table
Billion (bn) | Rupees (₹) |
1 bn | ₹1,00,00,00,000 |
2 bn | ₹2,00,00,00,000 |
3 bn | ₹3,00,00,00,000 |
4 bn | ₹4,00,00,00,000 |
5 bn | ₹5,00,00,00,000 |
6 bn | ₹6,00,00,00,000 |
7 bn | ₹7,00,00,00,000 |
8 bn | ₹8,00,00,00,000 |
9 bn | ₹9,00,00,00,000 |
10 bn | ₹10,00,00,00,000 |
11 bn | ₹11,00,00,00,000 |
12 bn | ₹12,00,00,00,000 |
13 bn | ₹13,00,00,00,000 |
14 bn | ₹14,00,00,00,000 |
15 bn | ₹15,00,00,00,000 |
16 bn | ₹16,00,00,00,000 |
17 bn | ₹17,00,00,00,000 |
18 bn | ₹18,00,00,00,000 |
19 bn | ₹19,00,00,00,000 |
20 bn | ₹20,00,00,00,000 |
21 bn | ₹21,00,00,00,000 |
22 bn | ₹22,00,00,00,000 |
23 bn | ₹23,00,00,00,000 |
24 bn | ₹24,00,00,00,000 |
25 bn | ₹25,00,00,00,000 |
26 bn | ₹26,00,00,00,000 |
27 bn | ₹27,00,00,00,000 |
28 bn | ₹28,00,00,00,000 |
29 bn | ₹29,00,00,00,000 |
30 bn | ₹30,00,00,00,000 |
31 bn | ₹31,00,00,00,000 |
32 bn | ₹32,00,00,00,000 |
33 bn | ₹33,00,00,00,000 |
34 bn | ₹34,00,00,00,000 |
35 bn | ₹35,00,00,00,000 |
36 bn | ₹36,00,00,00,000 |
37 bn | ₹37,00,00,00,000 |
38 bn | ₹38,00,00,00,000 |
39 bn | ₹39,00,00,00,000 |
40 bn | ₹40,00,00,00,000 |
41 bn | ₹41,00,00,00,000 |
42 bn | ₹42,00,00,00,000 |
43 bn | ₹43,00,00,00,000 |
44 bn | ₹44,00,00,00,000 |
45 bn | ₹45,00,00,00,000 |
46 bn | ₹46,00,00,00,000 |
47 bn | ₹47,00,00,00,000 |
48 bn | ₹48,00,00,00,000 |
49 bn | ₹49,00,00,00,000 |
50 bn | ₹50,00,00,00,000 |
51 bn | ₹51,00,00,00,000 |
52 bn | ₹52,00,00,00,000 |
53 bn | ₹53,00,00,00,000 |
54 bn | ₹54,00,00,00,000 |
55 bn | ₹55,00,00,00,000 |
56 bn | ₹56,00,00,00,000 |
57 bn | ₹57,00,00,00,000 |
58 bn | ₹58,00,00,00,000 |
59 bn | ₹59,00,00,00,000 |
60 bn | ₹60,00,00,00,000 |
61 bn | ₹61,00,00,00,000 |
62 bn | ₹62,00,00,00,000 |
63 bn | ₹63,00,00,00,000 |
64 bn | ₹64,00,00,00,000 |
65 bn | ₹65,00,00,00,000 |
66 bn | ₹66,00,00,00,000 |
67 bn | ₹67,00,00,00,000 |
68 bn | ₹68,00,00,00,000 |
69 bn | ₹69,00,00,00,000 |
70 bn | ₹70,00,00,00,000 |
71 bn | ₹71,00,00,00,000 |
72 bn | ₹72,00,00,00,000 |
73 bn | ₹73,00,00,00,000 |
74 bn | ₹74,00,00,00,000 |
75 bn | ₹75,00,00,00,000 |
76 bn | ₹76,00,00,00,000 |
77 bn | ₹77,00,00,00,000 |
78 bn | ₹78,00,00,00,000 |
79 bn | ₹79,00,00,00,000 |
80 bn | ₹80,00,00,00,000 |
81 bn | ₹81,00,00,00,000 |
82 bn | ₹82,00,00,00,000 |
83 bn | ₹83,00,00,00,000 |
84 bn | ₹84,00,00,00,000 |
85 bn | ₹85,00,00,00,000 |
86 bn | ₹86,00,00,00,000 |
87 bn | ₹87,00,00,00,000 |
88 bn | ₹88,00,00,00,000 |
89 bn | ₹89,00,00,00,000 |
90 bn | ₹90,00,00,00,000 |
91 bn | ₹91,00,00,00,000 |
92 bn | ₹92,00,00,00,000 |
93 bn | ₹93,00,00,00,000 |
94 bn | ₹94,00,00,00,000 |
95 bn | ₹95,00,00,00,000 |
96 bn | ₹96,00,00,00,000 |
97 bn | ₹97,00,00,00,000 |
98 bn | ₹98,00,00,00,000 |
99 bn | ₹99,00,00,00,000 |
100 bn | ₹1,00,00,00,00,000 |
- Billion Value Retrieved from “1,000,000,000 – Wikipedia“
- Rupees Value and Symbol Retrieved from “Indian rupee – Wikipedia“