Book Percentage Calculator

Use this Book Percentage Calculator to find how much percent of book is left to read.

Book Percentage Calculator

Remaining Pages: 0

Pages Read Percentage: 0%

Remaining Pages Percentage: 0%

What is a Book Percentage Calculator?

Book Percentage Calculator is an online academic calculator which helps you to calculate how much percent of the book is left to read.

At the same, it also tells you:

  • Remaining pages to read
  • Pages read percentage
  • Remaining pages percentage

This calculator is helpful for students and readers who want to know how much percent they have covered in the book. This helps them to estimate the time needed to read the remaining pages.

By definition, percentage is a fraction or ratio expressed as part of 100. To find the pages read percentage, divide the pages read of the book by the total number of pages in the book.

Just enter the total pages in the book and the pages read, then this calculator will automatically calculate all the values and show the result to you.

How to Use the Book Percentage Calculator?

  1. Visit the Book Percentage Calculator
  2. Enter the toal number of pages in the book
  3. Enter the total number of pages read by you
  4. Click on the ‘Calculate’ button to compute the remaining percentage of the book

How to Calculate the Remaining Percentage of a Book?

To calculate the remaining percentage of a book, first you’ll need to calculate the remaining pages of the book.

Remaining Pages can be calculated using the formula:

Remaining Pages = Total Pages in the Book – Pages Read

After that, you can use the following formula to find the remaining percentage of the book.

Remaining Percentage of Book = (Remaining Pages/Total Pages) x 100

Solved Example:

Example: Thomas is a huge fan of ‘Harry Potter’ movies. Therefore, he decided to read the books. He ordered the first part “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”. There are total 331 pages in the page and in the excitement Thomas read 45 pages on the first day. How much percent of book is left to read?

Total Pages in the book = 331 pages

Pages read = 45 pages

Total Remaining Pages = (Total Pages – Pages Read) = (331 – 45) = 286 pages

Using the formula, Remaining Percentage of Book = (Remaining Pages/Total Pages) x 100, we’ll get:

Remaining Book Percentage = (286/331) x 100 = 86.40%

Thus, 86.40% of the book is left to read.

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