Use this currency converter tool to convert units from rupees to its equivalent value in billions.
Rupees to Billion Converter
Billion: 0
What is a Rupees to Billion Converter?
Rupees to Billion Converter is an online currency converter tool through which you can easily convert amount in rupees to its equivalent value in billion (bn).
A billion is a unit in the International numbering system which is equal to 1,000,000,000. It is usually denoted using the symbols “b”, “bil”, or “bn”. The scientific notation of one billion is 1 x 109. There are nine zeros in a billion. This unit is used worldwide to measure the GDP of a country, net worth of high individuals and in big business deals.
The relationship between rupees and billion is as follow:
1 Billion = 1,000,000,000 Rupees
How to Use the Rupees to Billion Converter?
- Visit the Rupees to Billion Converter page
- Enter the amount in rupees
- Click on the ‘Calculate’ button to convert the entered amount into billions
How to Convert Rupees to Billions?
1 Billion is equivalent to 1,000,000,000 rupees. So, to convert any rupees amount into billions, you’ll need to divide the amount in rupees by 1,000,000,000. This will give you the equivalent value in billion.
Billion = Rupees/1,000,000,000
Solved Example
Example: The net worth of Virat Kohli is ₹1,65,00,00,000. Calculate the net worth of Virat Kohli in billions.
Amount (in rupees) = ₹1,65,00,00,000
Using the conversion formula, Billion = Rupees/1,000,000,000, we’ll get:
Billion = ₹1,65,00,00,000/1,000,000,000 = 1.65 bn
Thus, the net worth of Virat Kohli is ₹1.65 billion.
Rupees to Billion Conversion Table
Rupees (₹) | Billion (bn) |
₹1,000,000,000 | 1 bn |
₹2,000,000,000 | 2 bn |
₹3,000,000,000 | 3 bn |
₹4,000,000,000 | 4 bn |
₹5,000,000,000 | 5 bn |
₹6,000,000,000 | 6 bn |
₹7,000,000,000 | 7 bn |
₹8,000,000,000 | 8 bn |
₹9,000,000,000 | 9 bn |
₹10,000,000,000 | 10 bn |
₹11,000,000,000 | 11 bn |
₹12,000,000,000 | 12 bn |
₹13,000,000,000 | 13 bn |
₹14,000,000,000 | 14 bn |
₹15,000,000,000 | 15 bn |
₹16,000,000,000 | 16 bn |
₹17,000,000,000 | 17 bn |
₹18,000,000,000 | 18 bn |
₹19,000,000,000 | 19 bn |
₹20,000,000,000 | 20 bn |
₹21,000,000,000 | 21 bn |
₹22,000,000,000 | 22 bn |
₹23,000,000,000 | 23 bn |
₹24,000,000,000 | 24 bn |
₹25,000,000,000 | 25 bn |
- Billion Value Retrieved from “Billion – Wikipedia“