Rupees to Crore Converter

Use this currency converter tool to convert rupees into its equivalent value in crores.

Rupees to Crores Converter

Amount (in Crores): ₹0 Cr

What is a Rupees to Crore Converter?

Rupees to Crore Converter is an online conversion calculator which you can use to find the total amount of money you have with yourself in the form of crores.

Suppose, Suresh annual income is 12 lakhs and he wants to find how much he earn in the form of crores. Then in such scenarios, suresh can use our rupees to crore converter to convert his rupees amount into crores.

In this case, suresh annual income is 0.12 crores.

The rupees which is denoted using the ₹ symbol is the official currency of India. This currency is issued by Reserve Bank of India.

A crore is a unit in the Indian numbering system which is written as 1,00,00,000. It is denoted using the ‘cr’ symbol and is mostly used in South Asian countries like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia.

It is also known as koti, karod, khokha, kodi, and karoo in different parts of the world.

The relation between rupees and crore is as follows:

1 Crore = 10000000 Rupees

How to Use the Rupees to Crore Converter?

  1. Visit the Rupees to Crore page
  2. Enter the amount in rupees
  3. Click on the ‘Convert’ button to convert the entered amount in crores

How to Convert Rupees to Crores?

1 crore is equivalent to 10000000 rupees. So, to convert any amount from rupees to crores, you’ll need to divide that amount by 10000000 to convert it into crores.

Crore = Rupees / 10000000

Solved Example

Example: Convert 750000 rupees into crores.

Amount (in rupees) = ₹ 750000

Using the Rupees to Crore formula:

Crore = Rupees/10000000 = 750000/10000000 = 0.075 cr

Thus, 750000 rupees is equivalent to 0.075 crores.

Rupees to Crore Conversion Chart

Rupees (₹)Crore (cr)
₹100₹0.00001 Cr
₹1000₹0.0001 Cr
₹5000₹0.0005 Cr
₹10000₹0.001 Cr
₹50000₹0.005 Cr
₹100000₹0.01 Cr
₹500000₹0.05 Cr
₹1000000₹0.1 Cr
₹5000000₹0.5 Cr
₹10000000₹1 Cr
₹20000000₹2 Cr
₹30000000₹3 Cr
₹40000000₹4 Cr
₹50000000₹5 Cr
₹60000000₹6 Cr
₹70000000₹7 Cr
₹80000000₹8 Cr
₹90000000₹9 Cr
₹100000000₹10 Cr
₹110000000₹11 Cr
₹120000000₹12 Cr
₹130000000₹13 Cr
₹140000000₹14 Cr
₹150000000₹15 Cr
₹160000000₹16 Cr
₹170000000₹17 Cr
₹180000000₹18 Cr
₹190000000₹19 Cr
₹200000000₹20 Cr
₹210000000₹21 Cr
₹220000000₹22 Cr
₹230000000₹23 Cr
₹240000000₹24 Cr
₹250000000₹25 Cr
₹500000000₹50 Cr
₹750000000₹75 Cr
₹1000000000₹100 Cr


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