Use this currency calculator to convert the amount of money into its equivalent value in lakhs.
Rupees to Lakhs Converter
Amount (in Lakhs): ₹0 lakh
What is Rupees to Lakhs Converter?
Rupees to Lakhs Converter is an online currency converter tool that converts the value of money into its equivalent value in lakhs.
The rupee is the official currency of India. It is denoted using the ₹ symbol.
A lakh or lac is a unit in the Indian numbering system that is written as 1,00,000. It is abbreviated using the symbol ‘L’. In India, 2,50,000 rupees becomes 2.5 lakh rupees, written as ₹2,50,000 or INR 2,50,000.
This tool is very helpful when you are dealing with amount which involves a lot of zeros. Using this tool in such scenarios helps us to simplify the process of monitoring and reporting the amount.
For example, If an house cost 80,00,000 rupees, then you can use this calculator to simplify the amount. The calculator will show 80 lakhs which will be easier for clients to understand the pricing without dealing with large numbers which involves a lot of zeros.
100,000 Rupees make up a lakh.
1 Lakh = 100000 Rupees
How to Use the Rupees to Lakhs Converter?
- Visit the Rupees to Lakhs Converter page
- Enter the amount (in rupees) in the first input field
- Click on the ‘Convert’ button to convert the entered amount into lakhs
- To clear the contents, simply press the ‘Reset’ button
How to Convert the Rupees to Lakhs?
1,00,000 rupees is equivalent to one lakh. Therefore, to convert rupees to lakhs, you’ll need to divide the rupees amount by 100000. This will give you the amount in lakhs.
Lakhs = Rupees/100000
Features of Rupees to Lakhs Calculator
- Saves time
- Enchance readability
- Ensure consistency in the report
- Simplify the monitoring
Solved Example
Example: Convert 750,000 into lakhs.
Amount (in rupees) = ₹750,000
Using the rupees to lakhs formula, you’ll get:
Lakh = Rupees/100000 = 750000/100000 = 7.5 lakhs
Thus, ₹750,000 is equivalent to ₹7.5 lakhs.
Rupees to Lakhs Conversion Chart
Rupees (₹) | Lakhs (lac) |
₹1000 | ₹0.01 lakh |
₹5000 | ₹0.05 lakh |
₹10000 | ₹0.1 lakh |
₹25000 | ₹0.25 lakh |
₹50000 | ₹0.5 lakh |
₹75000 | ₹0.75 lakh |
₹100000 | ₹1 lakh |
₹200000 | ₹2 lakh |
₹300000 | ₹3 lakh |
₹400000 | ₹4 lakh |
₹500000 | ₹5 lakh |
₹600000 | ₹6 lakh |
₹700000 | ₹7 lakh |
₹800000 | ₹8 lakh |
₹900000 | ₹9 lakh |
₹1000000 | ₹10 lakh |
₹2500000 | ₹25 lakh |
₹5000000 | ₹50 lakh |
₹7500000 | ₹75 lakh |
₹10000000 | ₹100 lakh |
- Rupee Definition and Symbol Retrieved from “Indian rupee – Wikipedia“
- Lakh Definition and Symbol Retrieved from “Lakh – Wikipedia“