Square Feet to Feet Calculator

Use this conversion tool to convert units from Square Feet (sq ft) to Feet (ft).

Square Feet to Feet Calculator

Feet (ft): 0

What is a Square Feet to Feet Calculator?

Square Feet to Feet Calculator is an online conversion calculator which helps you to convert square feet (sq ft) to feet (ft).

The square feet is an imperial and US Customary unit of area used mainly in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Nepal, and many other countries. It is defined as the area of a square with sides of 1 square foot. It is usually denoted using the sq ft, ft2, sf symbols.

On the other hand, feet is a unit of length in the British Imperial and US Customary systems of measurement. It is usually denoted using the the ‘ft’ symbol. In both Imperial and Customary units, one foot is equal to 12 inches.

By far, you have noticed that it is directly not possible to convert square feet to feet. One is the unit of area while other is the unit of length. So, to convert square feet to feet, we’ll have to take another approach which we’ll discuss later in this page.

How to Use the Square Feet to Feet Calculator?

  1. Visit the Square Feet to Feet Calculator page
  2. Enter the square feet value in the first input field
  3. Click on the ‘Calculate’ button to convert the square feet value into feet

How to Convert Square Feet to Feet?

The formula used to calculate square feet is: (Feet x Feet) = Square Feet.

➯ This can also be written as: (Feet)2 = Square Feet

By making LHS equal to RHS, we’ll get:

Feet = √Square Feet

Thus, the formula used to convert square feet to feet is:

Feet = √Square Feet

Solved Example

Example: Convert 40.5 square feet to feet.

Area (in sq ft) = 40.5 sq ft

Using the formula, Feet = √Square Feet, we’ll get:

Feet = √40.5 = 6.36

Thus, the length will be 6.36 ft.

Square Feet to Feet Conversion Table

Square Feet (sq ft)Feet (ft)
1 sq ft1 ft
2 sq ft1.4142 ft
3 sq ft1.7321 ft
4 sq ft2 ft
5 sq ft2.2361 ft
6 sq ft2.4495 ft
7 sq ft2.6458 ft
8 sq ft2.8284 ft
9 sq ft3 ft
10 sq ft3.1623 ft
11 sq ft3.3166 ft
12 sq ft3.4641 ft
13 sq ft3.6056 ft
14 sq ft3.7417 ft
15 sq ft3.873 ft
16 sq ft4 ft
17 sq ft4.1231 ft
18 sq ft4.2426 ft
19 sq ft4.3589 ft
20 sq ft4.4721 ft
21 sq ft4.5826 ft
22 sq ft4.6904 ft
23 sq ft4.7958 ft
24 sq ft4.899 ft
25 sq ft5 ft


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