SSLC Percentage Calculator

Use this SSLC Percentage Calculator to calculate your SSLC percentage.

SSLC Percentage Calculator


About SSLC Percentage Calculator

SSLC Percentage calculator is an online academic calculator which helps you to calculate your SSLC percentage, given you know your marks and maximum marks of the examination.

Karnataka SSLC Grading System 2024 is a six point grading scale that assesses the students on the basis of their performance in the Karnataka SSLC Board Examinations. The grading system have six grades ranging from A+, A, B+, B, C+, and C.

A+ is the highest grade while C is the lowest grade. To qualify the examination, the students need to score at least 30% in each subject and 35% in the aggregate.

How to Use the SSLC Percentage Calculator?

  1. Visit the SSLC Percentage Calculator page
  2. Enter total marks obtained by you
  3. Enter the maximum marks of the examination
  4. Click on the ‘Calculate’ button. This percentage calculator will calculate and display the equivalent percentage to you
  5. Use the ‘Reset’ button to start a new calculation

Karnataka SSLC Grading System 2024

Marks RangePercentageGrade

How to Calculate the SSLC Percentage?

The formula used to calculate the SSLC Percentage is:

Percentage = (Marks Obtained/Total Marks) x 100


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