Tola to Vori Converter

Use this gold weight conversion tool to convert the weight of gold from tola units into vori units.

Tola to Vori Calculator

Weight (in Vori): 0 Vori

What is a Tola to Vori Converter?

Tola to Vori Converter is an online gold weight unit conversion tool that you can use to convert weights from tola to its equivalent value in vori.

Just enter the weight of the gold in tola and click on the 'Convert' button. Then, this calculator will compute and display the equivalent weight in vori.

A tola is a taditional unit of weight measurement which is used in Asia and other SouthAsian countries such as India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka.

The tola was the base unit of mass in the British Indian System of Weights and Measures Introduced in 1833. 1 tola is equivalent to 11.66 grams.

Vori or Bhori is the standard unit of measurement for gold and silver ornaments. This unit is widely used in Bangladesh to measure the weight of precious metals like gold and silver.

A bhori of 22 carat gold is 11.664 grams.

How to Use the Tola to Vori Calculator?

  1. Visit the Tola to Vori Calculator page
  2. Enter the weight of gold in tola units
  3. Click on the 'Convert' button to convert the entered weight into vori units

How to Convert Tola to Vori?

1 tola is equivalent to 11.66 grams of gold. Similarly, 1 vori is also equivalent to 11.66 grams of gold.

This gives us 1 tola = 1 vori. So, to convert any weight from tola to vori, you'll need to multiply the tola weight by 1. This will give you the equivalent value in vori units.

Vori = Tola x 1

Solved Example

Example: Convert 7.5 tola of gold into vori.

Weight of gold (in tola) = 7.5 tola

Using the conversion factor: 1 Tola = 1 Vori, we'll get:

Vori = Tola x 1 = 7.5 x 1 = 7.5

Thus, 7.5 tola of gold is equivalent to 7.5 vori of gold.


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